修复很多主要的问题,特别是直接导入数据到PG 和Windows下的移植版本,这两个地方都会导致程序崩溃。
支持多处理器,可使用并行模式全速进行数据导入导出,数据导入性能提升 10 倍以上。多处理器支持让 Ora2Pg 的速度接近 ETL 工具的速度;同时该版本增加新的导出类型来生成KettleXML 转换文件(可用于 Kettle 导入);此外改进了 Oracle 数据库扫描提升了速度。
Export full database schema (tables, views, sequences, indexes), with unique, primary, foreign key and check constraints.
Export grants/privileges for users and groups.
Export a table selection (by specifying the table names).
Export Oracle schema to a PostgreSQL 7.3+ schema.
Export predefined functions, triggers, procedures, packages and package bodies.
Export range and list Oracle partition.
Export full datas or following a WHERE clause.
Full support of Oracle BLOB object as PG BYTEA.
Export Oracle views as PG tables.
Export Oracle user defined types.
Provide basic help for converting PLSQL code to PLPGSQL (still needs manual work).
Works on any plateform.