Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation是一款PDF转换器。用户可以通过Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation把Word, HTML, XSL-FO, SVG等格式的文档转化为PDF, XPS, PS, GDI+等格式,欢迎下载使用!
【Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation介绍】:
Altsoft Xml2PDF is a Microsoft .NET based family of server and desktop products for publishing various XML documents such as XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML or HTML, Microsoft Word (WordML 2003, DocX or Word 2007 Xml) to print ready output formats including PDF, PS, XPS and raster graphics (TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WMF).
【Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation安装提示】:
该软件要求您的电脑要装有.net framework(进入下载.net环境)才能正常使用
NET Framework 2.0下载地址:http://www.smzy.com/smzy/down69145.html
NET Framework 4.0下载地址:http://www.smzy.com/smzy/down76961.html